Spring Show
Our Annual Spring Show for the Heart of Lancaster Arts and Craft Show is the third Saturday in May at Roots Market. Free admission, free parking rain or shine.
Labor Day Weekend Show
This year will be the 37th Anniversary of our show and the 12th year we are sponsoring a two day event!
The show will run both Saturday and Sunday over Labor Day Weekend. Free admission, free parking rain or shine.
Select Artists and Craftsmen from Pennsylvania and nearby states will display their finest work. A delicious variety of foods will be prepared for your eating pleasure, and live entertainment will be provided by the Jazz Group “Over Easy.”
Easy access from Rt. 30, PA Turnpike, Lancaster and surrounding areas Just 7 miles north of Lancaster on Route 72 at Roots Country Market, 705 Graystone Road Manheim, PA 17545
Located at Roots Country Market
705 Graystone Road Manheim, PA 17545-8835